WG 1: New high-performance instrumentation and experimental methods


  • Dr Thomas Schlathölter, University of Groningen, Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, Groningen
  •  Research Interests:
    X-ray and ion induced interactions of gas-phase molecules VUV and soft X-ray spectroscopy on gas-phase molecules (e.g. proteins) Molecular hydrogen in the interstellar medium.
  •  t.a.schlatholter@rug.nl


  • Amanda Steber, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburgu, Germany
  •  Research Interests:
    I am predominantly interested in understanding the behavior of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a wide scope of environments. The goal is to experimentally obtain accurate structural information, not only of isolated PAHs but also PAHs complexed with water and small alcohols, in order to predict and quantify the tradeoff between self-aggregation and solvation that may be occurring in the interstellar medium. I am also interested in instrumental development, and the automation of instruments and data analysis.
  •  amanda.steber@desy.de


  • To improve and develop new methods to produce intense molecular ion beams in well- defined or narrow ranges of quantum states
  • To improve and develop new methods for forming isomer selected molecular ion beams
  • To develop efficient schemes for detecting neutral and charged particles and photons at room temperature and under cryogenic conditions
  • To develop efficient methods for measuring the luminescence from small and complex molecular systems
  • To develop and refine action spectroscopy methods
  • To develop ion-ion, ion-neutral, and ion-electron merged-beams technologies for low- temperature experiments
