How to apply?

Short term scientific missions (STSMs), ITC conference and Dissemination grants

Applicants are requested to consult the COST Vademecum ( for information about COST rules and procedures for STSMs, ITC conference and Dissemination grants applications. Note that these grants do not necessarily cover all expenses related to undertaking a given STSM mission or all the expenses related to participating in a given conference. These grants are contributions to the overall travel, accommodation and meal expenses of the grantee. The ITC conference grants are exclusively reserved for PhD students, PhD candidates and ECI’s* with a primary affiliation in an institution located in an ITC participating in the Action.

STSM, ITC and Dissemination Grants Coordinator

Dr Sanja Tošić

E-mail: STSM Applications
E-mail: ITC-Grants

General information

  • The applications must be submitted through the e-COST platform.
  • - Applications will be considered individually on a rolling basis (no deadlines).
  • - The applications will be evaluated within 15 working days (three calendar weeks) after their submission date.
  • - The grantee should submit a report to the STSM coordinator/ITC conference/Dissemination grant manager for approval within 30 days after the end date of the STSM or the conference. The failure to do so will effectively cancel the grant. In addition, the STSM grantee should write a short summary of that report that will be made available on the Action website.
  • - STSMs during the last month of a grant period (October) are not recommended and should be avoided to ensure reimbursement and delivery of financial reports within the set deadlines for that grant period. In case a STSM is intended to be carried out during that time window (October), the applicant should contact the STSM coordinator to discuss if that is feasible before an application is submitted.

Selection of Grantees

The selection for STSM is based on the scientific scope of the STSM application which must clearly comply with the overall objectives of the MD-GAS Action (as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding). In the application, it should be clearly stated how the STSM, ITC conference grant or Dissemination grant will benefit both the MD-GAS COST Action and the applicant. When selecting grantees, particular attention to gender and country balance will be given. Selections will be made with a view towards the stability of the STSM/ITC conference/Dissemination grant budgets over the current grant period. The following selection criteria are specific for the three types of applications:


  • - Priority will be given to short STSMs (5-15 working days) to allow as many Action members as possible to benefit from this Action tool.
  • - Priority will be given to young researchers (PhD students and Early-Career Investigators).
  • - Priority will be given to STSMs to/from ITC countries.
  • - Priority will be given to STSMs that initiate new collaborations between Action members.
  • - Priority will not be given to support two or more Action members from the same group to carry out a STSM to the same host within the same time period.
  • - Priority will not be given to more than one STSM to/from the same Action members during one grant period.

ITC conference grants for Early Career Investigators (ECIs) and PhD students:

  • - Priority will be given to applicants presenting results obtained in international collaboration between members of the MD-GAS Action network.
  • - Priority will be given to applicants who have not previously been awarded ITC conference grants from MD-GAS.
  • - MD-GAS COST Action will not support more than one ITC conference grant per person and grant period.

Dissemination Grants to support Action members for their participation in high-level conferences:

  • - Priority will be given to young researchers (PhD students and Early-Career Investigators).
  • - Priority will be given to applicants presenting results obtained in international collaboration between members of the MD-GAS Action network.
  • - Priority will be given to applicants who have not previously been awarded Dissemination Grants from MD-GAS Action.
  • - MD-GAS COST Action will not support more than one Dissemination Grant per person and grant period.
* Early Career Investigator (ECI): An individual who is within a time span of up to 8 years from the date they obtained their PhD/doctorate (full-time equivalent).